Thing 14: Resilience and my self-leadership


In Thing 14 you will read about why resilience is important, watch a short video on resilience and reflect on strategies which build on resilience at work.

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Open Badge: SSSC 23 Things Leadership – Thing 14: Resilience and my self-leadership

You may find it helpful to complete Things 1-4 before starting Thing 14


Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels of the workforce and everyone has a leadership role to play, whatever their role at work. Leadership begins with leading ourselves and the SSSC self-leadership capability includes being resilient. Resilience helps us to pursue our goals despite obstacles and setbacks.

To complete this Thing you will need two resources:

1.  A copy of the Continuous Learning Framework (CLF). This framework identifies the skills needed by early learning and childcare workers to do their job well. In the CLF, personal capabilities are described across four stages of progression and one of the capabilities is ‘managing self: resilience’.

In this Thing you will be reflecting on either strategies which build your own resilience at work, or how you support others to be resilient either as a colleague or manager.

You will be asked to choose one of the statements from the resilience capability below to reflect on.

  • ‘I am aware that I need a range of support strategies to build my resilience’ (page 30, third point in the ‘engaged’ column)
  • ‘I have developed a range of strategies to build my own resilience and to support others to be resilient’ (page 30, second point on the ‘accomplished’ column).

2. The web page Resilience resources for social work and social care workers. This is a collection of resources on resilience.


1. Click on the home page of the Resilience resources for social work and social care workers and read the section called ‘why is resilience important?’

2. Now watch the video on the home page. This gives examples of different ways of creating space for staff to develop and maintain their resilience. Other resources further down the page have more information and may help your reflections.

3. Drawing on at least one of the ideas in the video, reflect on either:

  • the strategies you have to build your own resilience at work or
  • how you have supported others to be resilient, either as a colleague or manager.

4. Write at least 200 words to evidence how you have reflected on the range of strategies which build your resilience at work, or how you have supported others to be resilient, either as a colleague or manager.

You can provide the statement on the Open Badge application form or provide a link to your own *blog/portfolio. You may find it helpful to look at Recording Your Learning and Reflecting on Leadership.

*If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful.

Click here to access helpful resources for Thing 14